Instead of the final episode, the television stations aired a series of unrelated scenery images and the following text: 'The programming has changed due to certain circumstances.' The anime gained unexpected media attention when its final episode was by a real-life axe murder in Japan.
The story follows the love triangle that develops when a boy enlists his close female friend to help him attract the attention of a girl in their same school. The game's listed genre is “romance/survival.” Overflow's School Days adult game inspired a 12-episode television anime series in 2007, and then two original video anime spinoffs in 2008. Stack is scheduled to release the 3DS game in Japan on May 1. The publicity director posted on the Facebook page that new information regarding the game will be unveiled at a later time. Publisher Stack a teaser website for the newest title in the visual novel series, and also an official page with a piece of sample cover art for the game, titled Island Days.